
什么是体外反搏(ECP)     体外反搏是一种无创性治疗缺血性疾病的安全、有效的方法。其原理是通过电脑跟踪心电波并以人体的心电R波为触发信号,与心脏同步,在心脏舒张期对小腿、大腿及臀部分段包裹特制的气囊套进行序贯加压,使血液向主动脉反流,增加心、脑、肾等各脏器的血流灌注,从而改善各脏器及肢体血供,畅通血流。     体外反搏的原理      ...
Is EECP suitable to treat Chronic Angina?

Is EECP suitable to treat Chronic Angina?

Enhanced external counterpulsation or EECP is one of the treatments for chronic angina, that is slowly gaining popularity in the field but hasn’t found acceptance among cardiologists yet. Usually, it is the last option for an angina patient and is opted for when the...
7 Simple Exercise to Strengthen Your Heart

7 Simple Exercise to Strengthen Your Heart

Your heart is a fragile organ that needs to treated with utmost care. While drinking water and having healthy food is part of the plan, you also need to get some exercise in regularly to strengthen your heart and keep it in optimum condition. The importance of being...
How Diabetes Affects our Heart?

How Diabetes Affects our Heart?

Diabetes has emerged as one of the deadliest risk factors of multiple heart problems, and experts believe that diabetes is the mother, while heart disease is only one of its many children. Patients who have diabetes are thrice more likely to develop a heart disease or...

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